Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Spell checker references

There are two options for editors
1) TinyMCE
2) Fckeditor

While going through both of them I found tinymce very clear and with good support. Tinymce and FckEditor both are popular. So, we can get better help in case of any browser related or functionality related problems.

There are various functionality given in form of plugins where logic is built in respective editor_plugin.js file and html/php file is made for ui.

There has to be connection with main configuration file showing and containing references to the all plugins and files.

I had first tried with iespell which is running only for ie.

Other option is to use spellcheck plugin where we have to build any dictionary engine like I have used enchant and dictionary like hunspell, aspell etc.

To build dictionary we need to use linux shell. I could build spellcheck for English dictionary.
Making a small change is leading to a crash. So if we are gonna change assure what files are modified.

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